Scenic Advertise has designed this website to deal with clients professionally and timely. To engage Scenic Advertise for any services, you need to agree to our Terms and Conditions. We have created this page to reveal the standard T&Cs to our clients and website users. Our company provides services on the basis of these T&Cs. Moreover, these T&Cs apply to the legal relationship between customers and the agency. Every time we make a deal with you, our T&Cs are applicable. Thus, we request you to read the page.

The terms and conditions we have presented on this page are sole agreements between clients and service providers. These T&Cs will become effective upon engagement of our services at Scenic Advertise. The agreement will mutually benefit both the service providers and clients.
Both parties have to acknowledge that they have thoroughly read our T&Cs and understood them before making an agreement. From the day you buy our services, the agreement will be effective.

Your responsibilities and duties- Our contract

At any time, during your contract with our service providers, you will need to co-operate with us and act in good faith. You need to provide us with the requested materials and website URL within a reasonable time to let us serve you. At Scenic Advertise, we create an independent contractor relationship between you and our company. There will be no joint venture made by any party. We will send you a monthly report of our digital marketing services. Moreover, both parties will need to agree to the date of commencement of our services. Either party should not cancel service responsibilities before sending a prior notice of 10 business days. At Scenic Advertise, we have the right to subcontract any third party service provider for a few tasks.

Warranties and representations

As a client, you need to warrant that-

• Any content provided by you will not violate the rights and intellectual properties of others’ websites.
• You must have the necessary clearances and licenses to enable our provider to use the particular content.
• You need to have the interest, rights, permits, title, authorizations, consent, registration, and notices to perform obligations under the agreement.
• You should comply with the relevant rules, laws, and regulations (not limited to the rules about the data collection, disclosure, and usage), and industry standards related to our services.
• Your website’s terms and privacy policy have to comply with applicable laws regarding our services.
• You have to follow applicable privacy policies, guidelines, terms of service and privacy settings (of search engines, social networks, display networks, and directories).
• You have the authority to make an agreement and ensure that you will never breach it.

Unacceptable Practices

As Scenic Advertise has a goal to provide the best service, some policies and guidelines always govern our efforts and rapport with our clients. We strictly forbid practices that violate the established policies and guidelines. It may result in the termination of our services. Some of those unacceptable and illegal practices are-
• Pornographic and adult material, including the sexually explicit ones
• Sexually oriented services and products
• Nudity and Lingerie websites
• Offensive and distasteful material
• Language and content that is not safe for minors
• Distribution of viruses and other harmful files through our website
• Hacking and phishing
• Scams for personal details
• Solicitation of funds
• Illegal gaming, gambling lotteries, and similar other activities that are threatening, abusive, violent, harassing, vulgar, obscene, and ethnically offensive
• Defamatory and revenge content
• Illegal activities, including pyramid schemes, plagiarism, and copyright violations
• Piracy, and unauthorized usage of materials infringing on others’ intellectual properties
• Alcohol and tobacco sales
• Fake documents
• Fireworks, firearms, and weapons.
• Unintentional and intentional violations of applicable national, international, local, and state laws
• Reselling of hosting accounts to a different part
• Reselling of our services without a written contract
• Spamming and other unsolicited messages like junk email, spam, and chain letters
• Links to different sites violating our guidelines and policies
• Unlawful and lawful activities that do not reflect the taste of other clients of our company


You must pay the agreed amount to Scenic Advertise to cover the costs of marketing and managing your website. We try to ensure the amount will not go beyond what is mentioned in your latest contract. We may need to adjust the monthly charge in relation to processes and provided by our professionals.

In the case of credit card payments, you have to pay the processing charge. When the due amount is 45 days past, we may pause the marketing campaign activities until you make the payment.

Cost estimates that we provide you will be non-binding. While the actual costs have crossed the written estimate by over 15%, our team will inform you. We will deem that you have accepted the cost in case you have not sent any written message within 3 days.

When you have canceled and modified the project ordered without engaging us, you need to pay us for the Services already provided (based on the agreed fees).

Other terms and conditions about payments

In case of the default of payment, we will call you for payment of partial services and serviced rendered under contracts.
Furthermore, we are not obliged to provide other services until you pay the amount. The obligation to payment will not be affected.

While you agree to pay us in installments, we have the right to request payment of the outstanding debt.

No guarantees

You have to agree and acknowledge that Scenic Advertise does not make any warranty and guarantee about the publishers and search providers who submit ads on your behalf. We never give a warranty about the number of clicks, calls, impressions, and website visits. Moreover, we never warrant that our performance and service will be free from errors.

Trademarks and copyrights

You have to acknowledge that you are the owner of material and files (like trademarks, audios, designs, photos, and graphics) sent to our service provider via phone, email, internet, and other media. You must ensure that you get consent from the actual owner of the elements provided to our team. These materials and elements must be held harmless and protect our service providers and contractors from claims in the future. Under any circumstances, we will not be liable for your content and third party’s content.

We will never be liable for the omission and errors in your content. Moreover, we have no responsibility for the damage and loss incurred for using the content. Finally, we have no liability for Copyright Infringements.


As a client, you need to hold harmless our service provider, subsidiaries, partners, vendors, and affiliates. You have to defend them against losses, claims, and liabilities.

Indemnities can incur due to-

• The violation of your agreement with us
• Infringement on the copyright, patent, and trademark right of the third party
• Violation of the law related to the transactions and the agreement
• Disruptions and problems with services provided by third parties
• The use tracking tools in relation to the services that are not limited to call tracking, conversion tracking, and analytic applications
• Web pages connected to the ads and customer website

Third-party modifications of services

Some clients like to update and edit services after we deliver design and development projects. They like to control the costs in this way. These clients have to acknowledge that due to their attempts to update the output, they will be liable for the damages caused to the design delivered by us. We will charge an amount for the repair of the design damaged by their faults.


Clients have to agree that the age of their authorized representatives is at least 18 years. They have to be legally able to enter an agreement on behalf of their clients.


You have to behave and work together with our service providers in a polite and professional way. Any repeated false and inappropriate accusations, derogatory, harassment, and threatening speech towards our professionals are not desirable. We will never tolerate them and take legal steps against the client. The concerned client will not get our service and refund in this case. Our professionals have zero tolerance for any client who abuses them.

Project cancellation and accomplishment

Clients have to work together with our service providers to accomplish a project and run a campaign. It will make both parties profitable. Clients can make the cancellation request within 2 weeks of making the agreement. However, we have the right to retain at least 50% of the amount deposited.

Newsletter subscriptions

We use a process to add our site visitors to our long email list. We follow the opt-in process to reconfirm by delivering a confirmation email. We like to make sure you have an interest in receiving our daily emails. We always align our process with the legal rule. Our newsletters also give you an option for unsubscribing them.


We like to inform you that we can amend any part of our terms and conditions at any time. Thus, before making a deal with us, you have to read them to keep away from legal problems.